Thomas Worcester, S.J., a Professor of History at the College of
the Holy Cross, and a specialist in religious and cultural history, recalls the impact of Vatican II in a piece for the Huffington Post.
For Catholics in the U.S. and elsewhere another significant
anniversary is on the horizon: that of the 50th anniversary of the
opening of the Second Vatican Council in 1962. How it is remembered --
or not remembered -- may be very important for the Catholic Church in
the coming decades. Do this in remembrance of me: Catholic worship is
centered on ritual remembrance of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Absolutely central to Catholic practice is this remembrance, and
Catholics are also a people of tradition: we say that we value what has
been handed on over the centuries, from the early church to today.
Anniversaries offer a special way in which traditions may be once again
received and celebrated.
Public anniversaries are distinguished from family and personal
events such as birthdays or anniversaries of marriage or ordination. But
even the public anniversaries are also experienced in individual and
personal ways. Seen in the light of 2,000 years of Christianity, Vatican
II remains quite a recent event, within the lifetimes of older
Catholics. Those in their mid-fifties or older will have personal
memories of the Council -- at least of how it was reported by the press
-- and of its aftermath, and these memories may be revivified by the
50th anniversary.
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